A Golden Oldies Open Jam held Tuesday, June 27, at Willis Gap Community Center, attracted a crowd, including Bud Rushin from Fort Mill, South Carolina. Rushin is visiting with Carol and Les Edgell, in Ararat, VA.
He is a varied musician, playing in high school. He has mastered several instruments such as the trombone, trumpet, harmonica, and now Bluegrass banjo, acoustic, and electric guitar. He is also designing and creating tokens out of wood. He says his wife is an Apiarist (beekeeper), she cares for the bees and collects and sells their honey. He said he really enjoys coming to the Music Jam and that he likes the warm hospitality he has received here. The Rushins are thinking about buying a home and relocating from South Carolina.

The ’50s, ’60s, 70’s rock and roll music and dancing began at 7 and ended at 10 p.m. A 50/50 drawing was also held at the event.
Open Jams are held regularly, and in recent months, they have attracted two visitors from England, another from Norway, one from Pennsylvania, a whole family from New Jersey, and Tuesday Night, Rushin. Several musicians visit from North Carolina.
The group is an affiliated partner of The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Music Heritage Trail, visit thecrookedroadva.com, a member of the Patrick County Chamber of Commerce, and an affiliated partner with Patrick County Tourism.