Members of Surry Community College’s Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society recently attended Carolinas Regional Awards Ceremonies where they received multiple awards.
The award recognitions include Most Distinguished Chapter in the Carolinas Region, Beta Tau Continued Excellence Award for being a Distinguished Chapter for at least three years, Five Star Chapter, Distinguished Honors in Action Project, Distinguished Honors in Action Theme One: The Heirs of Our Ways, Distinguished College Project, Carolinas Region Super Stars, Outstanding Participation in Carolinas Region Honors in Action Project and Outstanding Participation in Carolinas Region Service Project.
Co-advisor Dr. Kathleen Fowler won the Paragon Award for New Advisors and the Phi Theta Kappa Carolinas Region Horizon Award. She will be formally recognized at PTK Catalyst, the organization’s annual convention, in Denver, Colorado.
SCC College President Dr. David Shockley said, “I am so elated that Dr. Kathleen Fowler was chosen as a recipient of the 2022 Phi Theta Kappa Paragon Award for New Advisors. She continually leverages superior leadership qualities, advising, knowledge, and work-ethic to transform our Alpha Xi Tau Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa while always seeking to improve the lives of students.”
Other awards were for individuals, including Distinguished Chapter Officer Team including Christina Blakley, Victoria Blakley, Madalyn Edwards, Cassie Hull and Mariela Trejo; Certificates of Excellence in Transfer Edge including Dr. Kathleen Fowler, Mary Hodges, Jesse Keaton and Noelia Valdez-Caudill; Certificate of Excellence in Competitive Edge for Megan Mabe; and Certificate of Excellence in Healthcare Edge for Jesse Keaton. Additionally, Madalyn Edwards also earned awards for Distinguished Chapter Officer and Phi Theta Kappa Hall of Honor.
The Alpha Xi Tau chapter of the PTK Honor Society at SCC has also been named a REACH Chapter for 2022. The REACH Rewards Program recognizes chapters that achieve or exceed 15 percent for their membership acceptance rate.
Phi Theta Kappa is the premier honor society recognizing the academic achievement of students at associate degree granting colleges and helping them to grow as scholars and leaders. The society is made up of more than 3.5 million members and nearly 1,300 chapters in 11 nations.
For more information about Phi Theta Kappa and their projects, contact PTK’s faculty co-advisors Dr. Kathleen Fowler at (336) 386-3560 or fowlerk@surry.edu or Kayla Forrest at (336) 386-3315 or forrestkm@surry.edu or go to www.ptk.org. You can also follow the local chapter on Facebook @surryPhiThetaKappa.