QuickStart Tennis of Central Virginia (QCV) is pleased to report that teachers at all the public schools in Patrick County have recently been trained so that they can incorporate the kid-sized QuickStart Tennis format into their PE curricula.
The training session, held at Patrick County High School, had 17 participants, representing pre-kindergarten through high school. Andrea Cassell, instructional coordinator for Patrick County Public Schools, arranged the session.
QCV presented a set of QuickStart Tennis equipment to Deb Roberts of Patrick Springs Primary School, which was made possible by a grant from The Titmus Foundation.
Lynda Harrill, QuickStart Tennis coordinator and QCV founder, said, “Sharon Smith, new coach for the girls’ team at Patrick County High School was a big help in introducing us to the school system through Andrea. The best part of what I do is finding like-minded people in communities where tennis is not a household word.
“Sharon’s enthusiasm for tennis is contagious and Andrea’s support is much appreciated. The teachers at the training session were terrific. It’s always so much fun to see adults smiling, giggling, running around and having a great time! I always think if the adults like QuickStart this much, the kids will really go bananas!”
QuickStart Tennis of Central Virginia is an all-volunteer, grassroots Community Tennis Association established in 2009 as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization to promote, develop and grow QuickStart Tennis in the heart of Virginia for all beginners, especially underserved youth, using the kid-sized QuickStart Tennis format.