The Colonel Abram Penn Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) met February 14, 2022, in the fellowship hall of Stuart Presbyterian Church in Stuart. Chapter Regent Janice Stanley presided at the meeting. Officer and committee reports were delivered. Nominations for officers will be submitted at the March meeting with voting on those positions in April followed by installation of officers in May.
“Broken Treaties” was the title of the program presented by chapter member Diane Ross. She discussed several treaties negotiated by the United States with Indigenous nations. Of the 370 treaties negotiated between the U.S. and tribal leaders, 15 were broken. Ross referenced the Trail of Tears in her presentation. Ross also shared Native American memorabilia she has collected. Included were smudge sticks, a drum and flute and an assortment of books and jewelry.
The next meeting will be Monday, March 14 at 1 p.m.in the fellowship hall of Stuart Presbyterian Church.
If you would like more information about DAR, please contact Ann McConnell at nammcconnell@yahoo.com.