Patrick County School Board members plan to discuss changes to its policy on how much it charges rescue squads and volunteer fire departments to use area schools for event space.
Schools Superintendent William Sroufe said he will approach board members with the idea once the full board is assembled. Two board members were absent from Thursday night’s school board meeting.
At that meeting, Patrick County Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Crystal Harris – who came to the school board meeting to represent the Smith River Rescue Squad – joined Smith River Rescue Squad President Nancy Belcher in addressing the school board about a rate increase for booking Woolwine Elementary School as a fund-raiser venue.
“We had the [rescue squad] treasurer write a check, but we still wanted to come,” Harris said. “Half the people that attend the truck raffle are alumni at Woolwine Elementary, and we’re being charged to help support our community. All of these students who go to the school are in our service area. That we’re being charged for using what I feel is ‘our school’ is disappointing.”
Sroufe said after the meeting that the schools need to recover costs associated with events, such as electricity usage and paying the custodial staff, but the school board often reduces the fee for fire and rescue groups when asked.
“It’s something we have to manage,” Sroufe said. “The board and the community, we appreciate all they do, but somebody has to pay for it. We’ll have a conversation and look at policy changes for rescue and fire departments.”
In other meeting news, school board members received certificates in recognition of School Board Appreciation Month. School Board Clerk Sara Leigh Collins received a certificate in recognition of School Board Clerk Appreciation Week.
School board members voted to pass the annual local special education plan, as required by the Va. Dept. of Education’s Division of Special Education and Student Services.
Board members also heard a presentation from Hardin Reynolds Memorial School Principal Kirk Renegar on Rebels Rule, a strategic plan to meet student needs that involves reminders for positive behavior, recognition and rewards systems, and an eighth period that can be used for remediation, intervention and enrichment.