The Patrick County School Board celebrated becoming a National Beta District of Distinction at its Thursday, July 18 meeting.
Shannon Harrell, of the Blue Ridge District, read a proclamation stating that the distinction is awarded to school districts that demonstrate a commitment to academic excellence, leadership development, and service involvement.
“National Beta is proud to recognize an outstanding 306 schools within the 65 2023-2024 National District of Distinction recipients. Through the exceptional efforts of school boards, district administrators, school principals, club sponsors, and deserving Beta members, their recognition of this national award speaks highly of their commitment to academic excellence, leadership development, and service involvement,” she said.
Harrell said the award illustrates the division’s distinction in preparing students for college and ensuring career readiness.
“The students of Patrick County Public Schools (PCPS) understand the importance of these qualities and exemplify the Beta motto: Let us lead by serving others,” she said.
Schools Superintendent Jason Wood said the school division is proud of its Beta members and of being one of the districts to receive this distinction
“Out of those 306 schools recognized, five of those are right here in Patrick County,” he said.
In other matters, the board:
*Approved Wood’s contract renewal for another four years.
*Recognized staff for becoming the District Captain from the Amplify 2024 Science of Reading Star Awards.
*Heard the superintendent’s report.
*Approved the Virginia School Board Association (VSBA) policy updates.
*Approved the VSBA Conference delegate as Rob Martin, chairman, and of the Dan River District, and the backup del. as Walter Scott, vice-chairman, and of the Smith River District.
*Approved the revised budget as presented.
Amy Walker, of the Mayo River District, did not attend the meeting.