By Taylor Boyd
As COVID-19 cases continue to surge across the country, local school divisions are seeing a decline in positive cases and quarantines for students and staff, but school administrators are bracing for a potential surge in cases and quarantines due to the Labor Day holiday.
Patrick County
As of Wednesday, Sept. 8, the Patrick County Public Schools dashboard suggested there were 52 positive cases and 186 quarantines in the school system, a decline of 37 cases and 33 quarantines for the school system.
The dashboard suggested there were 34 cases and 78 quarantines at Patrick County High School, a decline of 29 cases and 47 students and staff in quarantine from the previous week’s report.
The dashboard also suggested there are a minimum of six quarantines and one positive case in all elementary schools, except for Meadows of Dan Elementary School, which has no positive cases.
The data shows an increase of three positive cases at Hardin Reynolds Memorial School and 10 quarantines. Quarantines at Stuart Elementary School are reported to have decreased from 37 to 25, and Patrick Springs Primary School experienced an increase of seven quarantines.
The dashboard is updated on Wednesdays. As of September 1, it was suggested there were 89 positive cases and 219 in quarantine in the school system, including 63 positive cases and 125 students and staff in quarantines at Patrick County High School.
There were no reported cases or quarantines in the Central Office, Transportation Office, Maintenance Department, or the Technology Department, according to the dashboard.
The Patrick County Public School COVID-19 Dashboard is updated by the close of business each Wednesday. It can be viewed at www.patrick.k12.va.us/families/covid-19_dashboard.

Henry County
In Henry County Public Schools, data suggested that as of September 10 there were 27 positive cases and 154 quarantines. This is a decline of 22 cases and 122 quarantines form the previous week.
This was the second week in a row where the data suggests a decline in cases and quarantines from the previous week.
The data suggests Bassett High School has seven positive cases and 34 staff and students in quarantine, the highest in the division. Manga Vista High School and Laurel Park Middle School are reported to have 21 and 24 quarantines respectively, and five cases each.
The data suggests Magna Vista High School, Laurel Park Middle School, FC Middle School, and Meadow View Elementary School all have over 40
The dashboard suggested that all the schools have a minimum of one in quarantine, with most having at least one case.
There were no reported cases or quarantines in the Axton Annex, Career Academy, Central Office, and Outside Programs.
Monica Hatchett, director of communications, said the school division is preparing for a potential surge in COVID-19 cases following the holiday weekend.
“We are often cautious in the two weeks following a break like Labor Day holiday because we are not certain the activities students and staff have engaged in outside of the school setting,” she said.
The Henry County Public School division dashboard is updated every Friday by the end of the business day. It can be viewed at www.henry.k12.va.us/Page/22823.
City of Martinsville
Martinsville City Public Schools reported four confirmed cases among students. Three of the positive cases are in Martinsville Middle School and one is at Albert Harris Elementary School.
The school system launched its COVID-19 dashboard on Friday, Sept. 10. It will be updated every Friday morning and will reflect the data of the previous week. The dashboard shows confirmed cases for students, employees, and outbreaks, and does not show quarantines.
The dashboard can be viewed at www.martinsville.k12.va.us/division-updates/covid-19/covid-19-data-dashboard.