Brandon Simmons, of the Dan River District (left), and Doug Perry, of the Smith River District (right), will serve as chairman and vice-chairman of the Patrick County Board of Supervisors in the upcoming year.

After the gavel changed hands, the board approved its rules of procedure, including a change to the meeting order.
Steve Marshall, of the Blue Ridge District, suggested moving the public comment period to the end of the meeting.
“It would give people an opportunity to actually talk about some of the business during the meeting rather than having to wait an entire month,” he said.
The board unanimously approved the change and assigned its members to serve on various committees in 2024.
Committee assignments include:
Simmons, and Clayton Kendrick, of the Mayo River District, will serve on the budget committee, along with County Administrator Beth Simms, Assistant County Administrator/Human Resources Director Donna Shough, and Sandra Stone, Treasurer.
*Simmons will serve as the liaison to the Patrick County School Board; on the West Piedmont Planning District Commission (WPPDC), the WPPDC Executive Committee, and the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo).
* Perry will serve on the E-991 Committee, Local Emergency Planning Committee, Planning Commission, STEP Board, the WPPDC, and as the backup for VACo.
*Kendrick will be on the Economic Development Authority (EDA) Board.
*Jonathan Wood, of the Peters Creek District, will serve on the Parks & Recreation Committee.
*Marshall will serve on the Social Services Board, Solid Waste Committee, Public Service Authority (PSA) Board, Tourism Advisory Council (TAC), and as a County-Town of Stuart liaison.
In other matters, the board:
*Recognized the retirement of Winston Reynolds and his six years of service to the county.
*Heard concerns from Kurt Bozenmayer about the county’s roadside trash issue.
*Heard from Norma Bozenmayer about the success of the Festival of Lights.
*Heard from Vance Agee about solar energy.
*Heard the County Administrator’s report.
*Approved Sarah Wray as the Blue Ridge District representative on the Planning Board.
*Heard an update from Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Manager Beth Morris.
*Approved an interagency agreement between the county and the Economic Development Authority (EDA) regarding the Business Development Center.