Surry Community College will be offering the class “Sociology of the Family” in a traditional seated classroom, as well as an online course for Fall 2020. The seated class will be offered on Mondays and Wednesdays, Aug. 17 through Dec. 16, from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on the main campus in Dobson, N.C. The online class will run Aug. 17 through Dec. 16, and will be entirely online.
Sociology Instructor Mecca Lowe said, “Sociology of the Family is an interesting course for students, and helpful for anyone who wants to understand family changes and social dynamics. In occupations, this course is helpful for those entering the medical field, education, social work, and anyone who will work with children or communities in an economic or social situation.”
The course covers the institution of the family and other intimate relationships, including mate selection, gender roles, sexuality, communication, power and conflict, parenthood, diverse lifestyles, divorce and remarriage, and economic issues. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze the family as a social institution and the social forces that influence its development and change.
For more information on the class, contact Lowe at (336) 447-3930 or lowemj@surry.edu. To register for the class, contact Student Services at (336) 386-3264 or studentservices@surry.edu. Registration information is also available on surry.edu. The registration deadline for this class is Aug. 3.