Former Town Manager Terry Tilley was honored with a resolution for his service at the Nov. 16 Town Council meeting.
Del. Wren Williams, R-Stuart, said the resolution from the General Assembly was to commend Tilley’s service to the Town of Stuart. Both the House of Delegates and the Senate agreed to the resolution in January.
“Whereas Terry Tilley, longtime town manager of the Town of Stuart who has overseen the growth and prosperity of the locality over more than four decades, retired in September 2021, and whereas he for 42 years and was the longest serving town manager in the Commonwealth at the time of his retirement,” Williams read.
He added that Tilley brought a diverse set of skills to the position, including the ability to administer and manage projects, communicate effectively with residents and employees, develop and maintain budgets.
“Terry Tilley led innumerable initiatives during his tenure that enhanced the quality of life for residents of the Town of Stuart, including projects in both the downtown and uptown sectors and the development of a farmers market, amphitheater, and new fire department building,” Williams said.

He noted that one of Tilley’s major accomplishments during his tenure with the town was the upgrade to its water treatment plant, which garnered the town awards for its water quality and waterworks operation, and added that Tilley’s imprint on the town is evidenced by its beautiful streets and facilities, which are the result of Tilley’s thorough stewardship.
“Tilley always gave every project the due diligence it deserved and has prepared the Town of Stuart for its next generation of leaders by ensuring the locality has a strong financial footing going forward,” Williams said.
While Tilley’s legacy is composed of the numerous civil works projects he steered, Williams said Tilley also will be remembered for his “attention to the smaller details, like repairing waterlines and sewer lines and rescuing kittens stuck in trees.
“Through steadfast dedication and an unwavering commitment to the residents he served, Terry Tilley helped make the Town of Stuart a wonderful place to live, work, and play,” Williams said.
“It was a great council to work for and a great mayor. I’ve had a lot of great mayors and it’s been a good career,” said Tilley, who has retired from the post.
Mayor Ray Weiland said the town is in good shape because of Tilley.
“It’s grown and prospered, and we want to keep those things going. We appreciate” everything you did, Weiland told Tilley.
New Town Manager Bryce Simmons said he was blessed to walk into a good situation.
“You stand on the shoulders of giants,” Williams said to Simmons.
In other matters, the council:
*Approved the meeting minutes as amended.
*Discussed a draft of the Cross Connection Central Plan.
*Approved Frank Pettway, Joseph Young, Barry Taylor, Olivia Booth, and Kristie Bentley to the Stuart Town Planning Commission.
*Heard an update on the wastewater treatment plant.
*Heard an update on public works projects.
*Approved closing the town office Nov. 24 and Nov. 25 for Thanksgiving with pay for town employees.
*Paid the bills.
Vice-mayor Rebecca Adcock did not attend the meeting.