Hello Patrick,

Director of Economic Development and Tourism
This is one of my favorite times of the year. It is simply fantastic with the colors of the leaves, the cool, crisp mornings, and the autumn smells that fill the air. The roads were busy this week as travelers and tourists visited their favorite fall views. Seeing the many different license plates streaming through the county is encouraging. This is the busiest time of the year for our tourist economy, and one of the biggest draws to our county is the Blue Ridge Parkway. I am grateful to see that they have opened up the Virginia portion. The short time it was closed financially impacted some of our local businesses, and I hope that visitation will rebound in the upcoming days. Our support and prayers are continually given to those affected by Hurricane Helene.
Patrick, there are many ways that you can help, and you have been doing so. Another way to help is to donate to the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation (https://www.brpfoundation.org/donate). The Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation is the fundraising partner, 501(c)(3), for the Blue Ridge Parkway, providing support for initiatives along the 469-mile route, 90,000 acres, including historical and cultural preservation, environmental protection, visitor amenities, and education and outreach. I can personally speak to the work that they are doing, and you can earmark your donation to help the way you want it to. So, if your passion is the Mabry Mill, Craggy Gardens, the Hurricane Recovery Funds, or other projects, the monies will go to that project only. This is just one way to show your support.
So, Patrick, let’s work together, play together, and make our communities of Ararat, Blue Ridge, Critz, Dry Pond, Meadows of Dan, Patrick Spring, Stuart, Woolwine, and all the best we can be.
Remember, “Come get lost and find yourself here.” Praying and supporting all of us!
James Houchins,
Director of Economic Development and Tourism