The Patrick Springs Ruritan Club honored the veterans that attended their monthly meeting, and presented each veteran with a plaque that stated, “Thank you for your service.”
A meal was served to the veterans and a member of the club read a poem entitled, A Prayer for all Veterans.
O God, great and almighty creator, we thank and praise you for the freedom we enjoy in our country and pray that our liberties will continue to be protected.
Thank you for America’s heroes, that have fought for our freedom and who have faithfully served our country. We honor all of our veterans, for their sacrifices and for their courage and integrity.
As we celebrate these freedoms, we ask your blessing on those veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice while defending our country. Bless their families and comfort them with the thankful prayers of a grateful nation.
We thank you for our veterans, past and present. Through the efforts of these individuals, help us continue to promote justice in all nations.