Forty-five members of the late Dudley and Bertha Williams family gathered for their 19th annual cousins reunion on Saturday, June 16, at the home of Nancy W. Hubbard, who is one of their daughters.
After a delicious covered dish meal and some socializing, Stan Roberson recognized the eight living children of Mr. and Mrs. Williams and announced their ages which range from 88 to 71.
Roberson informed everyone of health issues of family members since the last reunion and thanked everyone for the acts of kindness that have been shown and continue to be given to his family. He also gave an update on his mother, Helen W. Roberson.
Several family members were recognized for accomplishments and awards during the year, along with the announcement of one birth and two deaths since last year’s reunion. Also recognized was six high school/college graduates. Following these announcements balloons were released in memory and honor of the deaths, birth, and graduates.