More than 100 people attended the opening reception and awards ceremony for the 41st annual JEB Stuart Art Show on Sept. 1 at the Reynolds Homestead.
“It was an amazing event,” said Lisa Martin, senior program manager at the Homestead. “This was our biggest show ever with 68 artists entered and 133 works of art on exhibition.”
Martin offered special thanks to the volunteers and staff who worked so hard to make the show happen, to the Friends of the Reynolds Homestead and Bull Mountain Arts for their financial support, and to Pepper Martin for serving as the judge for this year’s show.
Best in Show winner Carole Bryant of Ararat, N.C., also expressed her appreciation for the show.
“I know that I, as well as the other participants, appreciate the fine job the Reynolds Homestead is doing in presenting the JEB Stuart Art Show,” Bryant said. “I think it is very important to continue the tradition of such a high-quality area event. I know providing such an outlet stimulates the artistic expression of the community.”
The show is on exhibition through Oct. 28, and all are invited to view the art and vote for the People’s Choice Award.
Winners of this year’s awards are:
BEST IN SHOW: Carole Bryant, Ararat, N.C., “Higher, Higher,” watercolor.
CATEGORY I: OIL AND ACRYLIC PAINTING: third place, Timothy Keith, Ararat, “Lazy Evening;” second place, Karen Sigmon, Bassett, “Lonely at the Top;” first place oils, David Adkins, Martinsville, “Summer Field;” and first place acrylic, Grace Helms, Stuart, “Morning Rooster.”
CATEGORY II: WATERCOLOR, DRAWING, PASTELS AND OTHER 2D: third place, Cindy Howe, Patrick Springs, “A Magic Tree;” second place, Jan Atkins, Mount Airy, N.C., “The Beauty of Bamboo;” first place watercolor, Denise Platz, Meadows of Dan, “Deserted VW;” first place drawing and pastels, Doris Bridges Draper, Bassett, “Mabry Mill;” and first place other 2D, Rosalind Waiwaiole, Fieldale, “The Chapel.”
CATEGORY III: PHOTOGRAPHY: third place, Rick Craig, Patrick Springs, “A Curious Orb;” second place, Lorrain Roe, Ferrum, “In the Mist;” first place enhanced, Dan Leeper, Ridgeway, “Boardwalk to the Beach;” and first place unaltered, Randy Sweatt, Martinsville, “Pumpkin and Corn.”
CATEGORY IV: THREE DIMENSIONAL: third place, Faye Wyatt, Eden, N.C., “Tribute to Vincent;” second place, Judy Poindexter, Ridgeway, “Blue Eclipse;” first place, wood and pottery, Norma Bozenmeyer, Stuart, “Owl in the Wood;” first place fiber and jewelry, Daniel Andrews, Critz, “Joseph’s Coat and Pants of Many Colors;” and first place other 2D, Nancy Clark, Bassett, “Cherry Blossoms.”
MERIT AWARDS: Rocky Wall, Axton, “Three Sides Bodie Lighthouse,” photography; Joyce Wray, Fieldale, “Smith Mountain Lake,” watercolor; Dennis Wilson, Stuart, “Jack,” drawing; Jim Childs, Bassett, “Fall Leak,” photography; and David Lunt, Stuart, “After Glow,” pottery. SPECIAL AWARDS were presented to the following artists: the Bull Mountain Artist Award, Greg Arens, Stuart, “Man in a Dormer,” oil; the Reynolds Homestead Award, Rebecca Adcock, Stuart, “Autumn River Tree,” mixed media; and the Patrick County Chamber of Commerce Award, Cheryl Sterling, Patrick Springs, “On Belcher Mountain,” oil.