Art teachers in Patrick County schools hosted a reception at the Patrick County Public Library on March 9 for Youth Art Month (YAM) show, which met with success, according to Grace Helms, an art teacher.
“The night was full of laughter and scavenger hunts. Music was provided by Cedar Wade, a young musician that plays the fiddle,” said Helms. “A lyrical dance performance was given by Abigail Lavinder, a sophomore at PCHS.”
Art teachers “would like to thank the young artists, families, patrons, and library staff. We appreciate Garry Clifton and the Patrick County Library team for allowing us to do the show. We had approximately 130 people attend the show,” Helms said.
Sam Edmonson, Library Storytime director, procured refreshments and helped out in other ways, Helms said.
The four art teachers in Patrick schools are Cynthia Ballard, who serves Blue Ridge and Woolwine elementary schools; Pepper Martin, who serves Hardin Reynolds Memorial and Patrick Springs Primary schools; Kassandra Dalton, who serves students in Meadows of Dan and Stuart elementary schools, and Helms, who works with Patrick County High School students.
“Many thanks to all that came and supported the young artists,” Helms said, adding the show runs in the library through the end of March. “Go by and see it,” she said.