Visitors from Harefield, England enjoyed the Willis Gap Open Jam on April 7. The Dave and Fay Twydell said they got the information about music in this area from the Internet. Their next destination is Kentucky. Fay Twydell said it was the trip was one of her husband’s things to do and that she was along for support and enjoys the travel with him. Pictured (left to right) are Dave Twydell, Otto Hiatt, the jam emcee; and Fay Twydell. The open jam is held every Friday night at 7 p.m. at the Willis Gap Community Center. Kitchen help Alice Dellenback and Mary Dellenback Hill serve hot dogs with homemade slaw and chili, chips, cakes, candy, coffee, and assorted sodas. There is always a 50/50 drawing, and dancing is permitted. (Photo by Mary Dellenback Hill)