By Ivalien Reynolds
We have had some beautiful weather, but we do need some rain. I do know that the Lord will send it when its time – (His Time).
The Women’s Ministry at Patrick Springs Pentecostal Church on Sunday was really nice. Sonda Foley Boles was the speaker and the message was very good. Everyone was invited to the Ministry Center for lunch and it was delicious. The decor was really pretty. Thanks for inviting me. I really did enjoy the day.
Thanks to Donald Willard and crew for keeping my yard mowed. I can always depend on them.
Saw my first “Stink Bug” this week. I don’t get them like some people. I’m glad, as they are ugly little creatures. Look at them close and you can see a shield on their back.
Had a letter from my step-son, Connell Reynolds. It’s always so good to hear from him.
I was thankful that the Soup Kitchen did bagged meals again and I didn’t have to carry hot soup. Then I was sad that I couldn’t take “Miss Vera” one. But I drove by her house and looked at all the pretty flowers. Then I felt better. I have so many good memories of her.
I really enjoyed going to Robert Lee Foley’s get together. It was wonderful and good to hear the Southern Prophets sing together again. There was an abundance of food and it was so pretty at ‘The Cabin.’ Also, I saw my first Barn Quilt on a building up there. The barn quilts are becoming quite popular.
Thanks to Edie Lemons for giving me a good book “Sharp Top” by Carolyn Tyree Freagans. It’s a historical novel about life in the mountains in the 30s and 40s. You will understand the Great Depression a little better. Also, you will laugh and cry while reading this book.
Thanks to Mr. Jim McHone for the kind words about The Party Line. It was good to see you all again.
Food for Thought- Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.
Barbecue Beans
2 lbs. ground beef
1 large onion, chopped
1 large pepper, chopped
Salt and pepper
1/2 large bottle 1 lb. 2 oz.) Kraft Barbecue Sauce
3 (12 oz.) cans of pork and beans
Brown the ground beef, onion and green peppers together, adding salt and pepper to taste. And barbecue sauce and simmer 5 minutes, add pork and beans and bake in covered dish one hour at 250 degrees. Serves 10
From: “The Blessing’s Cookbook
Glenda’s White Grape Punch
1 (12 oz.) can white grape juice frozen concentrate, thawed
1 (3 liter) bottle clear carbonated soda ( 7 up, Sprite, etc.)
Mix and serve over crushed ice, easy to prepare and non-staining. Great for children’s parties.