Did you miss the October Chamber chat? Time flew by, and I didn’t get a chance to write it. November moved in and out even faster. What is it with the daylight getting shorter, it seems to speed time up?
While no big events took place in November for the chamber, we stayed playing catch up from the hectic month of October. Meetings and more meetings filled the calendar as we try to wind down this year and kick off a new one.
Preparations got underway for the Hometown Christmas events that take place in Stuart on December 2nd and 3rd this year. We also were busy creating ads and posts for the Small Business Saturday events that happened county-wide on November 26th.
Looking ahead to December, we are excited for the 2nd annual Dehart Park Festival of Lights event, scheduled for December 10th through December 18th. There are twice the number of organizations and businesses setting up this year, and they have added more special items. Come out and see the lights and know that the money collected for entrance is helping with upgrades to the park. Money raised last year purchased new playground equipment, and they received a T-Mobile grant to purchase more inclusive play equipment for the park.
We will be hosting our annual holiday open house at Reynolds Homestead on December 8th. This is always a great time to fellowship with our community, and then on Sunday, December 11th, Reynolds Homestead will host their Victorian Christmas.
The chamber will be taking a much-needed holiday break the last two weeks of December. We need to recharge our batteries before jumping full steam back into the 2023 membership drive and the Spring 2023 Patrick County Magazine.
Have a safe and happy holiday season!
(Adcock is the Executive Director of the Patrick County Chamber of Commerce.)