Woolwine Elementary School crowned three winners during its 2023 Beauty Pageant on April 15. The pageant’s theme was “Tea With The Queens.”
Little Miss Woolwine was Kinsley Grace Winikur. Parents are Jeff and Amy Winikur.
Young Miss Woolwine was Alycia Lenai Wilson. Parents are Monica and Branden Wilson.
Teen Miss Woolwine was Kathryn Ophelia Shepherd. Parents are Brent & Stephanie Shepherd
Escorts included Silas Emmit Scott (Parents are Jonathan and Brittany Scott); Bjorn James Johnson
(Parent is Ben Johnson); Lars Wilhelm Johnson (Parent is Ben Johnson).
The EM was Gentry Turner.
Special Music included Amazing Grace as performed by 2022 Teen Woolwine Kaylee Belcher.
Special Guests were Maelynn Marie Jones – 2022 Little Miss Woolwine, Juliet Turner – 2023 Petite Miss Fairystone, and Jullian Turner – 2023 Preteen Miss Fairystone.
Specials thanks are extended to WES Principal Jeannie Hubbard and staff, Pageant Committee, Parents and Guardians of the participants, Bassett Furniture Industries, Griffith Lumber Co., Fairystone State Park, The Honey Pot on Main (florist), Crossroads Café, Marilyn’s, MS Refund 276-Peggy Younce, Elva B Nunley.
A special thanks to all the volunteers that helped make this event successful.
The pageant was dedicated to Joan Q. Turner and In Memory of Elizabeth Ann Scott-Stilwell.