At its June 22 meeting, the Patrick County School Board recognized two Patrick County High School (CPHS) students who participated in the National BETA convention.
Schools Superintendent Jason Wood said 14 students in the school division finished in the top three at the state competition level.
“Of those 14, eight traveled to Louisville, Kentucky last week and competed in the National Beta Convention. We have two national winners,” he said.
Wood said Bryan Clark is the National Champion for 10th grade Language Arts.
“Bryan competed against 54 state finalists across the nation and brought home the national championship,” he said.
Wood said Callie Wood finished sixth in the nation for Creative Writing against over 50 other 9th and 10th graders.
“Both Bryan and Callie have continued to uphold the high standards of character, leadership service, and academics which is the motto for the Junior BETA and we are proud of them,” he said.
In other matters, the board:
*Approved the monthly personnel report as amended.
*Approved the consent agenda.
*Approved giving Wood to authorize payment of any invoices received after June 22, 2023.
*Approved giving employees Monday, July 3 off.