Melissa “Missy” Hazard was selected as the winner of the scholarship in memory of Mrs. Ann Belcher at a book signing/release of Martin Clark’s latest book, “The Plinko Bounce.”
Clark, a retired circuit court judge, kicked off his six-month book tour with the celebration held last week at the Patrick County Branch Library.
The celebration in Stuart “was our most successful event to-date, and we are indebted to the Patrick County community for turning out to support The Plinko Bounce,” Clark said. “We tried to bring back a little bit more of the party and fellowship feel this year, and for me especially, it was meaningful to be able to see so many old friends and swap stories and catch up.
Profits from the event benefit a $10,000 scholarship fund that was created to honor Ann Belcher, Clark’s high school English teacher. Her husband, Larry Belcher, selected the winner.
Clark said a check was written to Hollins University on Hazard’s behalf in the amount of $16,052.
“Despite the line, I hope folks enjoyed themselves, and I appreciate everyone’s patience. I also got to meet a number of new people, readers who came to visit from different parts of the state. Thanks to them as well for making the trip,” Clark said.
Some of the other early events/signings will be held in several areas of Virginia as well as locales in North Carolina and Tennessee.
On Oct. 10, Clark is slated to return to Patrick County for an event at the Reynolds Homestead in Critz. He then will be back on the early tour through October 19.
“The Plinko Bounce” is also available in bookstores and online.