Surry Community College’s online Project Management Technology certificate program is an 18-credit hour program that can be completed in five months through online classes. No pre-requisites are required to begin the certificate program. Summer classes start July 6.
Dr. Kathryn Moland, PMP, Division Chair of SCC’s Computer Technologies Division, is the instructor.
“It is exciting that Surry Community College is offering this Project Management certification because we are only one of two community colleges in North Carolina that are offering this certificate,” Moland said.
High school juniors and seniors can take advantage of the Project Management certification, tuition free, as a part of the Career & College program and as a result have a Project Management certificate when they graduate from high school. The course is also offered through Surry’s Workforce Training Division, so that out-of-state students can take the classes without having to pay out-of-state tuition.
This summer, classes offered include: Intro to Project Management, Project Management Assessing Risk, and Project Management Leadership. Students will also need to take Project Management Issues, Project Management Capstone and Information Systems Business Concepts, which will be offered in the fall semester.
“Students who are interested in Project Management and especially those students who are currently employed as project managers or project leads would be a good fit for the project management certificate,” Moland said. “This certificate will expand your knowledge and skill sets as it relates to project management. Additionally, the courses that are a part of the Project Management certificate can also be used if a student wants to pursue a Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate awarded through Project Management Institute. So, the 18 credit hours could and would apply to that PMP certificate if they want to moving forward.”
The Project Management certificate is a good fit for those working in information technology, construction, engineering, healthcare, government, and business management fields.
Upon completing the Project Management Certificate at SCC, students will have skills allowing them to lead projects, create budgets, generate Microsoft Project schedules, and ultimately execute and control and close projects. These skills are needed regardless of the industry type.
Faculty teaching the SCC’s courses have PMP certifications through the Project Management Institute and have also been employed in industry as project managers. These instructors will bring to the coursework their experience as project managers and will incorporate that into the delivery of the Project Management certification content.
If you would like additional information about the Project Management certificate, contact Moland at (336) 386-3306 or molandk@surry.edu.