The residents of Blue Ridge had a wonderful time making homemade Christmas cards with Dreamer Foley on November 29. Dreamer showed them how to put the cards together so they can send them to love ones during the holiday season. They really enjoyed being creative and expressing their crafty talent.
Dreamer said she would come back around Valentine’s Day and they would make Valentine’s Day cards. Dreamer, thanks for sharing your talent with our residents.
The residents are getting excited for the holiday season. We have a lot of different entertainment coming in during the month of December. We have many activities planned for the residents to enjoy and to bring back memories of past Christmases.
Many of our activities will have to do with their senses. We plan on making pretzel houses instead of a ginger bread house. We are also having different kinds of foods, using different textures to make arts/crafts, and listening to different kinds of holiday music while we do these activities. During Christmas it gets very busy here at the center. The residents love having family and friends in during the holidays. We will be inviting family members in on December 16 to help us celebrate Christmas and have refreshments.
We will be having Santa for family and residents to have their picture taking with Santa. The Blue Ridge Bell Choir will be performing for our family members during this celebration. We have started something new this month; we will be taking just our veterans on an outing. This way they can spend time together and be able to have fellowship over a meal. They decide where they want to go on their bus trip during their Veteran’s Club meetings.
We have just started their club and they are enjoying quality time together while we serve them refreshments. Sometimes they talk about where they were stationed or about the war itself. Our veterans chose to go to Golden Corral for their first bus trip. They are looking forward to going and having a guy trip together. If you would like to share your talent with our residents, please call. We would love to put you on our calendar. Just ask for Dee Dee at 276 (694-7161), extension 1804.