By Rebecca Adcock
“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” – Oscar Wilde.
One day it was hot and humid and the next, pleasant with a chill in the air. It’s the end of September; where did the time go? Without all the events bookending the weeks, time just flies.
September was once again filled with plenty of Zoom meetings and webinars. We received updates about the increase of tourism on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I attended many webinars on the differences between the online sales platforms, and I am working through that to assist many of our small businesses that will need to move more of their sales online during the holiday season.
We submitted a grant to the Virginia Tourism Corporation. The proposed project is for an easy to use tear off map of the county with focus points on the Town of Stuart and Meadows of Dan areas. The process of the Downtown Historic District is moving along, and we can now work on securing a date to host a virtual tax credit workshop.
October is my favorite month, and while several of our annual events are not happening this year, there is still plenty to do in Patrick County.
Partnering with Patrick County Tourism, we have created a webpage listing all the great fall events going on. Doe Run Farms is still having their sunflower maze; Wades and Windy Hill Orchards are still open and full of apples. The leaves are supposed to be beautiful this year so get out there and enjoy the backroads.
Check out the webpage on the Tourism’s newly designed website at visitpatrickcounty.org.
The chamber is hosting a Scarecrow contest all month long. We encourage businesses, organizations, and homeowners to create a scarecrow and let us know so we can post to our social media. Several have been placed around the county already, and I can’t wait to get out and visit all of them.
Stay up to date with events in the county by visiting the patrickchamber.com.