A twelfth of the way through the year already and halfway through winter. January was the month of reinvesting into the chamber. Reinvesting into our community by kicking off our membership drive. Membership packets were mailed last week. Membership with the chamber is what supports keeping the community informed of events, offering workshops for individuals and businesses, working with businesses to help them address their needs, and assisting tourism in spotlighting Patrick County.
We are also taking our 2023 motto to heart and reinvesting in the chamber itself. It has been several years since some internal items have seen an upgrade and with new technology, we need to keep moving forward. We have updated our email to director@patrickchamber.com, and if you think that is a small thing, try to function in the digital world by updating all the emails and passcodes these days.
We have also moved location just around the corner to 410 Patrick Avenue (Suite A), located in the former Bengle Apparel Outlet building. From this location we can better serve the community as the downtown area is set for revitalization through the Town of Stuart’s grants and projects, as well as private investment, and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is currently surveying for the downtown bridge repair.
The chamber is also happy that we have reinvestment happening in uptown Stuart. The last part of the month saw the chamber host two ribbon cuttings: Stagecoach Coffee and More and State Farm Insurance with agent Chase Ragsdale.
February will be a short month with lots packed into this month. We will be moving our annual awards nomination forms into the Spring edition of the Patrick County Magazine and all online. This way we can reach a broader audience. Editing of the magazine will hit hard in February with a hopeful print and distribution in the county by mid-March.
The chamber would like to welcome our new members: Stagecoach Coffee and More, Mayberry Trading Post, Mountain Chix Coffee Roasters, Capewell Aerial Systems, LLC, State Farm Insurance, and Trent Memorials, LLC.
(Adcock is the Executive Director of the Patrick County Chamber of Commerce.)