The Ararat Ruritan Club is a civic club raising awareness of its community needs with its unique community service events and fundraising.
The club offers opportunities for businesses and community leaders to connect with the community. Crafting days have been very popular and with a corporate sponsorship of the club, advertising is prevalent around the club building during all of club activities.
Our club building is used in many ways. Not only do we host events/fundraisers, but the building also is available for rent for reunions, showers, birthday parties, or other get-togethers.
A schedule of events for the next couple of months includes:
- March 19 is the monthly Jackpot Bingo, Doors open at 5 and play begins at 6 p.m. Concessions are available.
- March 26 is the annual Roadside Cleanup project in which members and other volunteers meet at the building at 10 a.m. and conclude by 1 p.m. with lunch.
- April 2 is a barn quilt painting class. Anyone interested in this should contact instructor Lisa Martin at lisaorpheus@gmail.comto pre-register.
- April 9 is the Community Easter Egg Hunt. Lots of candy-filled eggs will be hidden for kids of all ages. The Hunt will begin at 10 a.m.
- April 14, the American Red Cross will be holding a blood drive. To make your appointment for between 1pm and 6pm, please call Kevin Smith at (276) 229-6493.
- April 16 is the monthly Jackpot Bingo.
- April 21 will be a town hall meeting in which Dan River District Supervisor Brandon Simmons and School Board Representative Rob Martin will provide updates on the county and school issues.
The club meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m., and all are invited to visit and help us help our community meet its needs.
We encourage you to follow us on Facebook to be up to date on our club and our goings on.
Contact Secretary Pamela Smith via telephone (276) 229-6931, message us on Facebook, or via email AraratRuritanClub@gmail.com for all things Ruritan.