Mountain Home Masonic Lodge in Stuart presented two Community Builders Award Certificates to non-Masons at a banquet in their honor on Thursday, October 13.
The recipients were William Blair Clark Jr., Treasurer and past President of Clark Gas & Oil Company in Stuart, and Rhonda Fulcher Pruitt, director of the Patrick County Food Bank. Jim Litten, past Grand Master of Masons in Virginia made the presentation on behalf of the lodge.
The Community Builders Award is presented annually by Mountain Home Lodge. It is designed to recognize and show appreciation for outstanding community-oriented achievements of non-Masons who reside and work in our cities, towns and counties. There are many hard working, dedicated men and

women in our community who have served others with no expectation of reward. We continue with renewed vigor to search them out and show them that we are proud of their good works, that we are happy that they are personally instrumental in making and building our communities into a better place for all people to live, work and play. No more than two non-Masons receive this award per year and is signed by the Grand Master of Masons in Virginia.