By Stephen Henderson

The Patrick County High School boys’ soccer team has no matches scheduled for this week, and Coach Oscar Tejeda is glad—he wants to work with the team to get them back on track. “We have no games this week, and we are going to take this week and go over what kind of team we want to be,” Tejeda said.
The Cougars played Bassett last Tuesday and lost 2-1.
Wednesday, they played Floyd and lost 3-2.
Bailey Holt and Jordan Dalton scored goals for the Cougars.
Friday, the Cougars traveled to Magna Vista and lost 5-1. Gonzalo Vargas scored the lone goal for Patrick County.
According to Tejeda, the team is struggling right now. “We are confused as to what we are trying to do as a team,” he explained. “We can play with any team we face—we have the talent—it’s just frustrating to see our performance vary from game to game,” he lamented.
“Our boys need to play with more heart. We have beat ourselves in more games this year than I can count,” he added. “Hopefully, this week off can get us back on the right track, and we can start playing like this team can play.”
Tejeda still has confidence in this year’s team. “I still believe that we have great team. My boys just need to believe that and play hard with a lot of heart every game, not just a few,” he said.