by Angela H. Hill

program. Members pay an annual fee in exchange for having their bill balances waived. (Photo courtesy of Air Methods)
County residents may soon be able to pay a discounted group rate for the Air Methods Advantage program, a program through which members pay an annual fee in exchange for not having to pay any balance left over for a medically necessary air transport provided by Air Methods.
Residents can sign up as individuals or families at any time, but signing up as part of a group lowers the membership fee. Next week, county officials and Air Methods will discuss a group rate that would cut the individual membership fee from $40 to $5.
Tony Raymond, business development manager for the Northeastern Region of Air Methods, presented membership details at the February Patrick County Board of Supervisors meeting. Raymond originally presented the plan as an option for county employees. However, Blue Ridge District Supervisor Karl Weiss said he would like all county residents to be able to join.
Last year, Air Methods provided medical air transport for 75,000 patients nationwide; the national company is the primary transport provider for Patrick County residents. The nearest Air Methods base serving Patrick County is in Martinsville. Air Methods is not restricted to transporting patients to certain medical facilities, but instead takes patients to the area medical center that best fits each situation.
Raymond said that medical transport is often billed to insurance companies to the tune of $30-$40,000 per ride. Insurance plans vary, but those that cover only 75 percent of the cost leave the consumer with up to $10,000 to pay out of pocket.
For patients who have no insurance, the Air Methods membership covers the entire bill. Raymond said patients who don’t have insurance usually are charged $500 for medical air transport.
Annual membership in Air Methods Advantage – outside of a group plan – is $40 for an individual and $75 for a family for members with primary health insurance coverage. Family memberships provide coverage to the member, his or her spouse or partner, and their dependent children under the age of 26, plus dependent adults that live with them.
The caveat is the transport must be from Air Methods. If transport is provided by another medical air transportation company such as Carilion Clinic Life-Guard, the Air Methods Advantage program does not apply to any charges.
Also, certain healthcare consumers would not reap any benefit from joining Air Methods Advantage. Those on Medicaid or a Medicare plan that covers air transport are not billed for emergency air transport.
Seniors who have a Medicare supplemental policy that covers all out-of-pocket expenses would not benefit from Air Methods Advantage. For those with Medicare Part B or Medicare Advantage HMOs, Air Methods Advantage will pay their copayment and any deductible or out-of-pocket expense.
Air Methods is also required by law to accept military plans Tricare, Tricare for Life, CHAMPUS and the VA for full payment, so Air Methods Advantage provides no benefit to active or retired military personnel.
Mayo District Supervisor Lock Boyce said during the meeting that he’s concerned with the cost of air transport in general. He asked Raymond why it costs so much to transport a patient.
“I remember seeing Sen. Edward Kennedy’s speech on medical bills and we’re asking the wrong question,” Boyce said. “We’re trying to pay a $25,000 bill to fix Tommy’s broken arm when what we should be asking is why it costs $25,000 to fix Tommy’s arm.”
Christina Ward, director of communications with Air Methods, said that for medical air transport companies, the bulk of the cost is operational. Eighty percent of operating costs are fixed. This means that whether the company flies one or many patients, the cost of the aircraft; the facility; retaining professionals such as medics, nurse, mechanics and pilots; and meeting safety guidelines remains unchanged.
Another factor influencing cost is the fact that 70 percent of Air Methods’ patients are on Medicaid, Medicare or uninsured. The government reimbursement rate for these patients is way below the cost of the transport, Ward explained. The number of U.S. residents who live close enough to get to a trauma center by vehicle is now one in four, she continued. Plus, rural hospitals are closing at a significant rate.
County residents who’d like more information on Air Methods Advantage may call 1-855-877-2518 or visit
Carilion Clinic Life-Guard may have a similar plan available to county residents at some point. Further information was not available by the time of publication.