The Fairystone Volunteer Fire Department Ladies’ Auxiliary met October 25 at the fire station at 6:30 p.m.
President Doris Craig called the meeting to order. After the prayer requests were taken, Sylvia Plaster led the group in prayer. Secretary Jean Thomas gave the roll call with nine members present and read the minutes of the last meeting. Treasurer Emma Adams read the treasurer’s report.
The auxiliary thanks everyone who helped make the country breakfast on October 15 a success. The next fund-raiser is the Election Day meal on November 8 in which a variety of food will be sold. The auxiliary hopes to see everyone there.
The hamburger steak dinner with door prize raffle and cash giveaway will be on Saturday, November 19. The dinner will be from 4 to 6:30 p.m. in which the adult plate costs $7 and a child plate costs $3.50. The cost of the meal is separate from a cash giveaway ticket purchase.
If anyone is interested in purchasing cash giveaway tickets for $20 each, please see a fire department member. For the second time during the cash give away, which starts at 7 p.m., door prizes donated by local businesses will also be given away. Door prize raffle tickets cost $1 each. The auxiliary hopes to see everyone there.
The ladies’ auxiliary enjoyed refreshments that were served by members with an October birthday.
If anyone is interested in becoming a volunteer, please check out the website at the following link: “
The ladies’ auxiliary appreciates the community’s support.
Jessica Scott Phillips