Recreation Coordinator
Being the recreation coordinator at The Landmark Center is the best job in the world! The activity department is privileged to share many wonderful, learning, and challenging activities with the residents each day.
One of these activities comes to mind; the Art Fusion Discussion Group which is led by Beth Ford, historical services assistant, and Becky Turner, volunteer, from the Reynolds Homestead. Each month Beth prepares this activity with much thought, not omitting any detail.
On January 12, Beth and Becky began the group meeting with art taken from their homes which included work by different artists. The art put a smile on the faces of the residents as they shared memories with the group. We look forward to the February meeting.
Local artists Ursula Allen and Norma Bozenmayer led the art class January 14 at The Landmark Center. Residents and staff enjoyed creating snowflakes, each one beautiful and unique. The snowflakes were used as decoration in the arts and crafts room.
Landmark residents competed in a spelling bee Saturday, January 9, with Malvine Zollars being the winner.
Although the extremely cold temperatures have arrived, residents continue to enjoy the bus trips. Tuesday, January 12 residents traveled to Spruce Village in Martinsville to play bingo with the residents living there. January 14, they shopped locally, and January 19, they ate lunch in Stuart.
The Landmark Cooking Club, led by volunteer Helen Cowley, continues to create tasty treats each Wednesday afternoon. They made a tasty apple dip, a delicious cherry whipped cream salad, and old-fashioned preacher cookies. They will be making fried fruit pies January 27; which are always a staff and resident favorite.
Friday morning, January 15, local singer and musician Jim Purcell led the residents in a sing-along. In the afternoon residents and guests celebrated January birthdays with cake, ice cream, and punch. Patty Smith, resident, danced to the music of Vernon Harris and Shelly Roberts. Birthday gifts were provided by Peters Creek Baptist Church. After dinner entertainment was provided by the group, Chords Of Faith.
Peach cobbler and ice cream was served to residents and guests Sunday afternoon, January 17. The cobbler was fresh out of the oven and delicious. This is a great way to warm up on a chilly afternoon.
Residents welcomed the Community Primitive Baptist Church Singers Thursday morning, January 21. In the afternoon new residents were welcomed to The Landmark Center with the Newcomers Social. Refreshments were provided by Landmark Catering and the dietary department.
Join residents Thursday, February 4 beginning at 1:30 p.m. in the Landmark dining room, for the first Rook Tournament of 2016. Stop by and enjoy fun, fellowship, and refreshments. For more information call Daniel at (276) 694-3050, extension 4514.
Sunday evening, February 7, celebrate Super Bowl 50 with the staff and residents of The Landmark Center. The party will begin at 6 p.m.; the game starts at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Please let us know if you plan to attend by February 4 by calling Daniel at (276) 694-3050, extension 4514 or
We will be having a Valentine’s party for residents and family on Friday, February 12 beginning at 2 p.m. in the Landmark game room. Refreshments will be provided by Landmark Catering and the dietary department.
The Patrick County Alzheimer’s Group LLC will present, “A Dance to Remember” on Saturday, February 13 beginning at 7 p.m. at the Star Theater. For more information or to purchase a ticket, contact Peggy Rogers at (276) 694-3050.
If you would like to volunteer at The Landmark Center, stop by or call (276) 694-3050, extension 4514 for more information.
Until next time, see you at the Landmark.