Recreation Coordinator

Landmark residents welcomed community guests to the April 6 Rook Tournament at The Landmark Center. Charlotte Eggleston, resident, was the big winner of the tournament. Other winners were Shirley Rae and Jim Saunders. Each winner received an Easter bunny filled with candy.
Jim and Ellen Saunders, volunteers, and Daniel Quesenberry, assistant activity director, coordinated this event. Refreshments were provided by Landmark Catering and the dietary staff. If you enjoy playing Rook we invite you to join us for the next Rook Tournament on June 1. For more information contact Daniel at (276) 694-3050, extension 4514.
Also, on April 6, children from the Patrick Springs STEP program joined Landmark residents for an Easter egg hunt. Although the weather did not cooperate for the planned outside egg hunt the children and residents had a lot of fun hiding and hunting the eggs inside The Landmark Center.
Thank you to everyone from the STEP program for being our guests at Landmark. After dinner on this busy day, residents were inspired with beautiful hymns performed by the Community Easter Choir.
April 1, residents were inspired by the words of volunteer, Pastor Dave Boarman.
Sunday afternoon, April 2, residents and guests celebrated National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day with delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Residents always look forward to the monthly square dance activity. Volunteers are one of the most important assets to every activity department. We appreciate each of you for sharing your time and talents with us here at The Landmark Center.
The Operation Homefront meeting was held at Landmark, Tuesday, April 4. If you served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, you are invited to join Landmark residents the first Tuesday of each month from 9 to 10 a.m. in the living room. This event is sponsored by Mountain Valley Hospice and Palliative Care. (
The next meeting will be held May 2. For more information, contact Susan Foster at (276) 694-4416. Refreshments will be provided.
Bus trips include local shopping, April 4, a seafood lunch in Martinsville April 11, and Stuart Baptist Church for the program, The Last Supper, on April 13.
The Art Fusion Discussion Group met at The Landmark Center on Tuesday, April 11. This meeting is led by Beth Ford, historical services assistant, and Becky Turner, volunteer, from Reynolds Homestead. Beth shared with the residents’ memories, stories, and poems from Easters past. As usual, residents had a great time. After dinner, residents relaxed to gospel music provided by the Mountain View Singers.
Landmark residents attended an Easter party in the afternoon of April 13. Refreshments were provided by the Landmark dietary staff. After dinner, the group Almost There entertained the residents with inspiring gospel music.
The “Hold Your Hand” Family Education Series met on April 13 at The Landmark Center. Lois Barbour, RN, was the guest speaker. For more information contact Janet Ferraro at BRTC (276) 694-7161 or Melinda Collins at TLC (276) 694-3050. Light refreshments were provided.
“Practical Strategies in Dementia Care” a workshop for caregivers, will be Thursday, April 20 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at The Landmark Center. Doors will open at 8:30 a.m. with registration. For additional information about the workshop, guests speakers, and the Landmark Center, or to register online, visit To register by phone, call (276) 694-3050. There is no charge for attending; however, registration is needed for lunch.
The next Alzheimer’s Support Group Meeting will be Tuesday, April 25 at noon at The Landmark Center. This program is sponsored by the Southern Area Agency on Aging, The Landmark Center, and Blue Ridge Therapy Connection. For more information, you can call The Landmark Center at (276) 694-3050 or Blue Ridge Therapy Connection at (276) 694-7161. A light lunch will be served.
The Landmark Center and Blue Ridge Therapy Connection will honor group volunteers on April 27 with an appreciation dinner. If you would like to become a volunteer at The Landmark Center stop by and fill out an application.
Until next time, see you at the Landmark.