LGBT activism has never been simply about “tolerance” —it was and still is about the silencing of competing views.
That fact has never been more apparent than the complete internal destruction of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). If you believe in enlightenment, political correctness, tolerance, sexual diversity, and gender-neutral advancement then you will be applauded. If you uphold Christian standards and values —you’re prejudiced and part of the problem.
The BSA used to be derided as a “traditional, values-based” organization whose oath spoke of a “duty to God” and whose law insisted that Scouts be “reverent”. Now the BSA worships something else: the secular left which lets man over rule God. The national leaders of the BSA in the last few years have allowed openly homosexual scouts, openly homosexual leaders and now girls and transgender girls.
The inclusion of girls into the BSA program is a betrayal of the boys and the need that boys have for a space to be themselves as they grow into men. This betrayal also has its roots in the acceptance of openly homosexual scouts and leaders. These self-inflicted wounds will lead to more severe wounds in the future.
On July 22, 2019 to August 2, 2019 a World Scout Jamboree will be held in West Virginia. The theme of the 2019 event is “Unlock a New World.” For the first time, a world jamboree will be hosted by three national Scout organizations: Scouts Canada, the Asociación de Scouts of Mexico, and the Boy Scouts of America. These three distinct cultures will join to host the world scouting community in a celebration of cultural exchange, mutual understanding, peace, and friendship.
However, one of the requirements from the World Scouting Committee for any host country of a World Scout Jamboree is that condoms be made available to “all participants” of its global gathering (Section 7.3 of the World Scout Jamboree Handbook). The fact that the Boy Scouts are offering condoms to attendees, including minors, demonstrates they have no problem promoting promiscuity, even if it’s to under-age attendees. Guidelines also allow the use of alcohol by adults in some locations at the jamboree (Section 7.3 of the World Scout Jamboree Handbook).
The question now becomes if there are Christian churches in Patrick County that still support the Boy Scouts. Who are you going to support —- Satan or Jesus Christ?
William Salser