Churches in the Woolwine community have extended the backpack weekend feeding program to the summer months of June and July. They have continued to make snack packs for the children every week. Families are able to sign up for this service and pick bags up on Thursdays from 2 to 5 p.m. at the front office in Woolwine Elementary School.
Jeannie King, principal and school nurse Mandy Worley, along with all staff appreciate all churches that are providing the backpack service to families in the community. The following churches are offering their support for this important program: Woolwine United Methodist, Buffalo Ridge, Fairystone Baptist, New Beginnings, New Hope Church of the Brethren, Ross Harbour United Methodist, Smith River Church of the Brethren and Sycamore Baptist Church. For more information or to register for the program, call the school office.