By Ivalien Reynolds
March always brings us all kinds of weather, all the Easter flowers are in full bloom, the birds are building nests in the bird house. Soon the hummingbirds will come.
When I was in our Family Dollar the other day, a young man walked up and paid for my things. I didn’t know him – Thanks a lot. I meet a lot of nice people.
They had a cleanup day in Patrick County. I saw some trash and paper on the side just as the cleanup crew had just finished on Route 680. Once I was driving down the road and a car in front threw a bunch of drink cans in the road.
Thanks to Mike and Sue Hall for taking me to Burks Fork Brethren Church with them. Mike was the speaker and he did real well. Denny and Marilyn would have been proud. Then we had lunch at Janie’s Cafe in Meadows of Dan. It was really crowded, food was good and I saw a lot of people I knew there. It was a good day. Thanks to Mike and Sue for taking good care of me.
The mountains and parkway is so broken up, and things are a mess. Leaves are out of the trees and the mountains have lost their beauty and they say there is no money.
So sorry to hear of the death of Minnie Harris. I worked with her at Bassett Walker and she was a kind lady.
It was good to hear from Pauline Martin down in Rocky Mount, N.C. She lost one of her dear friends also.
I enjoyed seeing my Soup Kitchen clients this week as always. “Miss” Vera (103 years old) was in a jolly mood and we had a good time talking.
I enjoyed a card from La Nita Harris – lots of good memories with her.
Thanks to Edie for a new book to read. She is so nice to share books with and brings joy to a lot of people.
Mary Ann called from D.C. She was getting ready to go to the ball game on Thursday. It’s the highlight of my day to get that call from D.C.
Food for thought – Martha Washington said, “I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness and misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.”
Fruit Energy Salad
1/4 cup corn oil
2 tbsp. honey
1/2 tsp. ginger
4 bananas
1 can (8 oz) pineapple, drained
1/4 cup orange juice
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
4 oranges
1 cup chopped nuts
1 cup chopped dates
Mix all ingredients and chill. (Recipe from Central Florida Judicial Association)
Hint – If a food is too sharp, a teaspoon of sugar will soften the taste.