The Patrick County School Board celebrated a ‘great’ start to the 2023-2024 school year.

Schools Superintendent Jason Wood told the board on August 10 there was excitement in the air at the back-to-school nights that showed the family atmosphere present in all the schools.
“We had a great opening of the schools, and it’s just nice to have the students back in the building,” he said. “It makes our days much more enjoyable and shows the reason why we chose this profession.”
While there is always some confusion on the first few days of school with buses and students not knowing which buses to get on, following the meeting Wood said those issues worked themselves out by day two.
“It seems to be a great atmosphere in all the schools. Students seem to be excited to be back, the staff has been very excited to have the students back, and we’re expecting to have a great year where we continue on the success we’ve had in previous years,” he said.
In other matters, the board:

*Approved the personnel report as amended.
*Approved the 2023-2024 school crisis plan as amended.
*Approved the consent agenda.
*Heard an update on the school division’s budget.
*Approved the 2023-2024 school wide plans/school executive summary as presented.
*Recognized Reagan Underwood, a seventh grader at Hardin Reynolds Memorial School (HRMS), who placed second in the nation for social studies at the National Junior Beta competition over the summer.
Walter Scott, of the Smith River District, attended the meeting electronically for part of the meeting.