In February, Patrick County Economic Development Authority responded to Patrick County Education Foundation’s (PCEF) challenge to support Patrick & Henry Community College’s (P&HCC) Patrick Promise with a donation of $5,000 to future PCHS graduates.
“We are so grateful to the EDA and members of the Patrick County community for supporting the future of Patrick County by providing this opportunity for graduating seniors,” said P&HCC President Dr. Greg Hodges, adding, “Donations like these are ensuring the financial stability and growth of these students and the community as a whole.”
Patrick Promise will extend support to provide free tuition to PCHS graduates attending Patrick & Henry Community College similar to The Harvest Foundation’s support for students in Martinsville and Henry County. To date, PCEF has raised the resources needed to fully fund the first two years of the Patrick Promise. Once funds have been raised for year three, the Board plans to launch the program.
About Patrick Promise:
In support of PCEF’s goal, Patrick Promise will provide last dollar funds for Patrick County graduates to attend P&HCC FREE to the family for up to 2.5 years. Funds will currently support two of those 2.5 years. PCEF invites the community to participate so that all PCHS graduates can benefit from the same level of investment as their peers in Martinsville and Henry County.
Community members interested in donating to Patrick Promise are encouraged to visit https://bit.ly/phccgivenow (designate Patrick Promise when donating).