Patrick County High School’s Prom Committee hosted a dodgeball tournament March 3 as a fundraiser for the 2023 Junior and Senior Prom. There were 6 teams in the student division and 9 adult teams. Each team paid $40 to enter the tournament.
Many supporters and students came out to watch the tournament for $5 per person. The sponsors and students on the Prom Committee worked together to organize and work the event. The Prom Committee ran the concession stand, took up money for admissions, admitted adult and student teams, sold raffle tickets, and updated the brackets.
The tournament began at 7 p.m. and ended after about an hour and a half. The winners included Red Fern Services for the adult division and the Blue Ballers for the student division.
Although a final profit has not been confirmed, Ashley Nowlin, a Prom Committee sponsor, said, “Just by admission cost, team registration fees, and 50/50 raffle tickets alone, we made around $3,500-$3,700.” The money raised will go exclusively towards funding the prom. This includes the cost of the venue, vendors, and decorations.
The Prom Committee will not be doing any other fundraisers for the 2023 Junior and Senior Prom, but donations are appreciated and can be delivered to Patrick County High School.