The Patrick County Retired Teachers Association met June 6 at the Landmark Center.
Hostesses Ilene Pons, Penny Runge, and Janet Moore welcomed members and guests.
Barbara Pendleton introduced Codi Holt, PCRTA scholarship recipient and his mother, Amber Tankersly. Codi plans to major in vocational education at Liberty University.
Following the blessing given by Janet Moore, everyone enjoyed a delicious meal served by the Landmark staff.
Ursula Allen gave an interesting and informative presentation on her trip to Cuba. She and her husband Jim were part of a group exploring Cuban art.
Lena Martin, Janet Moore, and Jesse Mae Vernon led a ceremony to recognize and celebrate the life of deceased member, Martha Honse. President Betty Perry conducted the business meeting, during which Ann Belcher read the minutes of the previous meeting and Fern Agee gave the treasurer’s report.
Relay for Life chairperson Carol Vernon reported that members participated in the walk and raised over $1,700. President Perry read notes of thanks from Codi Holt, scholarship recipient, and from Tonya Hall, nurse in charge of the RIDS program for Patrick County Public Schools, for the $150 donation for that program.
Perry also read a letter from the Virginia Cooperative Extension Agency encouraging members of PCRTA to make a donation for and help with the Kids On The Move Day Camp. The Empty Bucket was passed and the money collected will be given to the agency.
The annual covered dish picnic for newly retired teachers will be June 16 at the DeHart Park gazebo. The District E Spring Luncheon will be June 22 at South Boston. Members were encouraged to attend both events.
Vice President Lena Martin reported that some committee changes have been made for the 2016-2018 handbook.
Phyllis Eastridge, Virginia Retired Teachers Association president, installed newly elected PCRTA officers: president, Betty Perry; vice president, Lena Martin; treasurer, Fern Agee. Secretary Annie Hylton was not present and will be installed at a later date.
Penny Runge won the door prize, and members shopped at the White Elephant Sale. Proceeds will be used for the PCRTA treasury.
Ann Belcher,