Mecum is a Great Pyrenees, approximately 2 1/2 years old. He is a big, incredibly handsome boy. Best to a home without livestock. Blaze is a white male Husky, about 2 years old. They are both so deserving of a loving home.
Free spay/neuter and rabies vaccinations. Call the Patrick County Public Animal Shelter at (276) 694-6259, visit the shelter or their Facebook page, to find information about these and other available pets in need of a forever home. Adoption fees are $10 and include spay/neuter and rabies vaccination.
The Blue Ridge Animal Welfare League provides pet food assistance and information about low-cost spay/neuter services; contact blueridgeawl@gmail.com. It is also asking for live trap donations (have-a-heart type), even if they need some minor repairs.