To help out in the community, a Meadows of Dan group has created quilts for local preschoolers.

The Mountain View Piece Makers of the Mountain View Church have been making quilts for youngsters for about four years.
Mary Locke said for a long time, there weren’t any preschoolers.
“We heard there was a group of preschoolers about four years ago, and we decided to give to them and so we’ve been doing it ever since,” she said.
Locke said five quilts were made this year.
“Last year I think we did eight, and the year before that we did nine. We’ve made about 26 quilts in total. Just however many preschoolers they have is” how many we make, she said.
Locke said the quilts are used by the children during naptime at school.
“Then, they get to keep them for the rest of their lives,” she said.
The project started as a way to help the school.
“We couldn’t do it for everybody. We’re all just trying to help out in the community,” she said.
Locke said she has also made quilts for sick children to cuddle up in while they wait for their parents to come get them.
“We love doing it and we love seeing the children’s faces when their name is called, and they realize that they’re getting a quilt, and they get to pick it. We just love their enthusiasm and excitement. It makes them feel good and it makes us feel good,” she said.
The group started in 2011 as a way of getting people together to sew. There are currently five members and one potential member.
“We make quilts for people in need. We started making quilts to give to people that maybe their house burned or maybe they’re sick,” she said.
The group also makes and gives quilts to Heritage Hall Laurel Meadows and Blue Ridge Therapy Connection.
Locke said the group also gave clothes and protectors to nursing home residents.
“We’ve even gone to the nursing home there in Stuart with our machines and did some sewing and ladies that are there in the nursing home came and visited with us,” she said.
Locke said the quilt designs are decided by the fabric the group buys and receives as a donation.
“So, a lot of times if you’re looking at the fabric itself, the prints on it, and the kind will dictate it. If it’s busy then maybe you’d want to put a little bit of solid in with it and that brings in an idea,” she said.
All the quilters also have a preference of what type of quilt they prefer to do. Locke said one lady likes to do half-inch squares and another likes to do different sized squares.
“I think the fabric talks to us really,” she added.
Those wishing to donate to the group can do so by making out a check to the Mountain View Church with the memo line “Mountain View Piece Makers.”