In regards to the letter by Mr. Sam Foley, minister of the Concord Church of Christ, on April 4th, 2016, in our local Enterprise I was quite surprised and taken aback by his sentiments regarding the LGBT community, or as Mr. Foley calls them “these people”.
Mr. Foley said to stand up and fight against all evil especially the LGBT (these people) and his quote “if anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them,” end of quote.
This is a sad thing to hear from anyone, let alone from someone that calls himself a Christian.
Just how far would his followers take this meaning that telling them it would be a sin if they didn’t do something to stop this?
The definition of “Christian” taken from Oxford American Dictionary is “of the doctrines of Christianity, believing in or based on these of Christians, showing the qualities of a “Christian, KINDLY, HUMANE.”
Growing up I was Presbyterian, my husband Methodist faith and we raised our children Lutheran. All three faiths taught us that our God loved anyone and everyone. I am assuming this is the same God Mr. Foley is talking about?
My goodness, this world needs love and understanding, not creating ill feelings and hatred towards others that just because they are not like Mr. Foley that makes them bad people.
Mr. Foley said for LGBT (these people) to leave their lifestyle and become Christians. Who is to say they are not “Christians”? The Christian definition of said mentioned above, kindly, humane.
And if they aren’t, then why would they want to become his kind of “Christian”? I know I wouldn’t.
Vicki Porter