The Red Bank Ruritans recently elected officers for the upcoming year and held its Christmas meal.
Red Bank Officers (l-r), Roger Gammons, President; Jerry Atkins, Oak Level club who installed the officers; Robert Cowdrey, Vice President; Karen Cowdrey and Charlie Bowman, Secretary; Joe Cole 1 year Director; Jerry Felts, 2 year Director; and Glenna Morse, club Treasurer
Co-District Ruritan of the Year, Roger Gammons, presented by Jerry Atkins.
Jerry Felts, Community Service Award, presented by Jerry Felts and Merlin Scales.
Jerry Felts, Community Service Award, presented by Jerry Felts and Merlin Scales.
Connie Bishop receiving the Ruritan Forever award from National Director Merlin Scales and Jerry Atkins.
Co-Ruritans of the Year, Robert Cowdrey and Jerry Felts, presented by Jerry Atkins and Merlin Scales.
Youth of the Year Award: Emily Adam's, presented by Jerry Atkins.