Aaron Money, crew leader with Ultimate Performance Service Inc. of Winston-Salem, N.C., sandblasts the caboose that will be a centerpiece of the Mayo River Rail Trail. The procedure began Thursday, July 6.
By Monday, progress was evident. The sandblasting was nearly completed. The next step will be to apply a red rust inhibiting paint (see picture of the back side of the caboose) before applying the final epoxy coat of “caboose red” paint.
The caboose was delivered in December. At the time, town officials said the Town of Stuart would honor the 75th-anniversary of the last Dick & Willie expedition to Stuart in July.
Plans also are in the works to refurbish the interior of the caboose, officials have said.
The Patrick County Tourism Advisory Committee paid $21,000 for the caboose; the town is responsible for set-up, renovation and maintenance.