A public hearing on a Food and Beverage Tax Ordinance will be scheduled when the Patrick County Board of Supervisors meet at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 27.
A referendum on the tax won support from a majority of voters in November, but the county must enact an ordinance to enact the tax.
In other matters at their meeting on the third floor of the Patrick County Veterans Memorial Building, the board is scheduled to:
- Consider House Bill 486, a measure introduced by Del. Danny Marshall III, R-Danville. The proposal would allow for additional sales and use tax in Henry and Pittsylvania counties and the City of Danville; appropriations to incorporated towns for educational purposes.
If approved, Henry and Pittsylvania counties, along with the City of Danville would be authorized to impose an additional local sales and use tax at a rate not to exceed one percent, as determined by the governing body, if initiated by a resolution of the local governing body and approved by the voters at a referendum.
The bill requires the governing body to specify in the enacting ordinance the time period, not to exceed 20 years, for which the tax would be imposed. Revenue from the tax shall be used solely for capital projects for new construction or major renovation of schools in the locality enacting the tax.
The bill removes the limit on the amount that Henry and Pittsylvania counties may appropriate to an incorporated town that has not complied with the provisions of its charter relating to the elections of local officials. Under current law, the amount is limited to the amount the town would have received from local sales and use tax for educational purposes if such election had been held.
Under current law, only Halifax County has the authority to impose such taxes and make such appropriations.
- Consider the purchase of a truck to for the Patrick County Recreation Department and the county’s maintenance department:
- Discuss a sound system to be installed in the courtroom;
- Discuss the budget;
- Discuss the Health Insurance Fund;
- Receive a list of Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Projects;
- Receive an Eagle Scout presentation;
- Hear an update on Patrick County Public Schools by Dean Gilbert, superintendent;
- Entertain a museum proposal by Owen Caldwell;
- Meet in closed session to discuss personnel, legal, contract and real estate matters.
The board is scheduled to adjourn until Monday, Feb. 10.