Dr. Cassandra Tatum Carter earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree and graduated with honors from the Medical University of South Carolina during commencement exercises on May 18, 2019, at the MUSC campus in Charleston S.C.
During the weekend ceremonies, she received the Mylan Excellence in Pharmacy Award. While pursuing her degree at MUSC, Cassandra held many positions within the school. She was a member of Phi Delta Chi, serving as the Worthy Keeper of Records and Seals (2016-2018); member of Rho Chi, serving as secretary (2017-2018); and a member of the Student Society of Health System Pharmacists.
Cassandra was also a Supplemental Instructor and a Student Ambassador for MUSC and worked as a Pharmacy Intern at Publix Pharmacy (2015-2018). In June 2019, Cassandra successfully passed the SC Pharmacy Law exam and the Pharmacy Board exam.
She began employment in July 2019 at MUSC as a Pharmacotherapy Resident Pharmacist. Cassandra is a 2015 graduate of VCU in Richmond, Va., where she earned her Bachelors Degree in Chemistry, and a 2012 graduate of PCHS. Cassandra is the wife of Kevin Carter of Lexington, S.C., daughter of Wesley and Sharon Tatum and granddaughter of Ruby Clark and the late Kennon Clark and David and Sally Tatum, all of Stuart.