The Willis Gap Community Watch meeting was held March 7 at 7 p.m. in the Community Building.
Deputy Chase Meredith opened the meeting with an update on things in Patrick County with the Willis Gap Community foremost. After the opening, he took time for questions and comments.
Deputy Meredith then introduced the guest speaker: Steve Allen, emergency services coordinator for Patrick County. Allen updated the group on all the ins and outs of the recent tornado in Ararat. He was glad no one was injured and was thankful to all volunteers who came out to help with the clean-up.
He also commented on how we all should be prepared for this type of emergency. and to always stay in touch with neighbors, help when you can and call the proper emergency services when needed.
Downed power lines are one of the most dangerous situation with high winds. Call 911 and the power company immediately in this situation.
After giving this information, he opened the meeting for questions and comments.