Betty Perry, President of Patrick County Retired Teachers Association, and members Phyllis Eastridge and Penny Runge attended the Virginia Retired Teachers Spring Delegate Assembly in Richmond May 2-4. This meeting was the first face-to-face meeting since April 2019 because of the pandemic. VRTA President Glenn Pair opened both the executive board meeting and the delegate assembly with an invocation and welcoming of state members and officers.
Patricia Bishop, of the Virginia Retirement System, gave an overview of the VRS through handouts and a slide presentation.
Jim DeBrueler, Agent of Record for the VRTA, reported on VRTA benefits provided by Creekside Insurance. Jim reviewed the three newer benefits of VRTA membership, which are estate planning, investment management services, and life insurance alternative for life members that guarantees survivorship pension benefits. Creekside Insurance also provides medical insurance to VRTA members. A representative from Creekside Insurance will be attending a local PCRTA meeting in September or December to explain benefits in person.
State bylaws were reviewed and revised. The proposed changes were sent to Delegate Assembly for approval.
Bea Morris, VRTA Legislative Chairman, and Bonnie Atwood, lobbyist, gave a joint presentation on legislative matters and proposed bills in the General assembly important to VRTA members. Bea asked members to check legislative email messages daily and respond when necessary.
Keynote speaker at the luncheon on Tuesday was Alfred Campos, NRTA Director.
Newly elected VRTA officers to serve from October 2022—April 2024 are: President, Jean Marrow, Amelia RTA; President-Elect, Karen Whetzel, Shenandoah RTA; Vice President, Mable Scott, Danville RTA; Treasurer, Weldon Martin, Botetourt RTA; Secretary, Reba Evans, Carroll County RTA.
The next VRTA meeting will be in October.