The Ararat Ruritan Club is wrapping up its third quarter community service projects.
\A Community Appreciation Day/Cruise-In honoring local veterans and first responders kicked off the summer season in mid-May, and many members placed flags on area veterans’ graves for Memorial Day.
In June, the club recognized the State Champion PCHS Cougar Baseball Team, and the club sponsored the newly formed Stuart Ruritan Club. Monthly Nutrition Education Workshops started up in July, led by certified nutritionist (and past president) Kathleen Loveland. The club’s Bingo players brought in school supplies which were donated to Blue Ridge Elementary School, along with other supplies bought by the club.
“Meet the Candidates Night” was hosted by the club in August with a really good turnout of folks learning more about each candidate for offices that are on this November’s county election ballot. The club also hosted a Crime Watch Meeting and American Red Cross Blood Drive in August. (
During the August business meeting, the three scholarship winners and their families were treated to a covered dish meal and were presented with their scholarships, which were announced in May for the graduating seniors.
The Ararat Ruritan Club recently made a donation to the Patrick County Bookmobile. Jo Slate, longtime Ruritan member and Bookmobile patron, presented Gayle Wagoner with the club’s donation.
Upcoming events at the Ararat Ruritan Club building include a pancake breakfast on Saturday, September 16 from 7:30 – 10:30 a.m., Tom Talks History on Saturday, September 23 at 10 a.m., featuring Danny Martin’s book on Moonshining, monthly nutritional workshop on Friday, September 29 at 7 p.m., and a Bone Marrow Drive in honor of the memory of McRay Smith on Saturday, September 30 from 10 a.m. -1 p.m.
Our annual BBQ/Cruise-In is set for Saturday, October 21 from noon-6 p.m., and raffle tickets are now available for our Christmas Cash Giveaway.
Find the Ararat Ruritan Club on Facebook to keep up with our events and projects, or join us for our monthly meeting on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7 p.m.