Voice of the People 2.15.17
Law enforcement Police departments and sheriff’s offices throughout Virginia must be permitted to continue to use all resources to fully...
Read moreDetailsLaw enforcement Police departments and sheriff’s offices throughout Virginia must be permitted to continue to use all resources to fully...
Read moreDetailsI would like to express my appreciation to Judy Anderson Davis of Ridgeway for identifying the members of the Stuart...
Read moreDetailsScorecard: Trump vs. working people President Donald Trump’s cabinet has the same number of white guys in it as Reagan’s—37...
Read moreDetailsIt is with a great deal of sadness that we announce that for the first time in almost 30 years...
Read moreDetailsWe are off to a great start for 2017! Forty-five units of blood were collected at the latest blood drive...
Read moreDetailsThe Patrick County Food Bank volunteers The Patrick County Food Bank would like to thank all volunteers and donors for...
Read moreDetailsBookmobiles enjoy a rich history of providing “knowledge on wheels” and “food for thought” to young and older readers alike,...
Read moreDetailsMike Nyquist (left), coordinator of Mountaintop Blood Drive, presents a one-gallon pin to Jennifer G McEvoy. The fifth and final...
Read moreDetailsIn their last three meetings the Patrick County Board of Supervisors has dealt with such issues as buying toilet paper,...
Read moreDetailsMy America claims to be a “Christian” nation, followers of Christ who preached love. My America may have been founded...
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